Care to visit Cobalt Ontario?

 I can't imagine what it is like to live here. We were on this self guided tour, with a mum and her boy crossing our path here and there. The boy was saying something a bit strange as they returned to their car. I said to him, "Just think son, fifty years ago, if you lived here, this would have been your life." He scrunched up his face while his mum nodded her head. I hope it was a learning experience for him.

The ruins in these photos are the remains of this old silver mine

This building had toxic substances stored in it at one time. I'm quite surprised it is open without any kind of gate inside. There are signs on the site prohibiting folks to pick up material

The town across the way. There are piles of mine rubble EVERYWHERE in the town

There was no soil evident in this pile of rubble. But look at the beautiful flowers growing there. 

If you want further information on the silver mines in this area, I found this webpage very informative.


  1. Wow. What we've done to the land...

  2. Well, you have invoked some memories! I remember a great aunt who was a teacher in Cobalt, years and years ago. She lived through the big fire, so you know that was a looonngg time ago! I have been to Cobalt, and fossicked around in the old workings for a smidge of ore. Probably was in the mid '70s, and there were no restrictions to access then! Times have changed!


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